Estate Law and Litigation

An estate plan that leaves nothing to chance or misinterpretation is essential to ensure that your beneficiaries' rights and the value of your estate are protected.

It can be difficult to talk about Wills and estate planning, but it's never too late. Paquette Renzini Law Firm will work hard to help you formulate an estate plan that works for you and to the advantage of your beneficiaries.

The lawyers at Paquette Renzini will ensure that your estate plan include the essentials of a Power of Attorney for Property and a Power of Attorney for Personal Care (or Living Will) and also look for other ways to protect the value of your estate. Paquette Renzini are experienced at setting up trusts and finding ways to protect your estate from undue taxation. They will also help you look at the option of Joint Tenancy to see if it is the right choice for your situation.

Paquette Renzini Law Firm are very experienced litigators who will analyze your concerns and fight for your rights if the terms of a Will need to be challenged.

Let the experienced lawyers at Paquette Renzini law firm help guide you through your estate plan or litigation